In today's generation a lot of people are faking depression just to get some attention. And for people to empathize them. It's not like before,people were so easy to read. Nowadays people fake feelings everyday like it's a daily activity for them. And if they think they're depressed maybe they are misinterpreting sadness with depression. To find out how to properly empathize the right person I have created a list on how to do it.
And here we go.
1.Seek the person who needs help. *By talking to them or trying to put yourself in their situation*
2.Observe that person. *To make sure he has depression* There are many ways to know if they are depressed, One of those is inflicting self harm and the will to commit suicide.*
3.Try to talk to that person *To find out more about them and how to help them*
4.Find out if they have sadness or depression. *So you won't get confused and mixed up on the occasion.
5.Try to help (show them compassion and try to feel what they feel) them to the best of your ability. *So they would loosen up*
6.Have an in depth conversation. *To lessen their problem. Because having someone to talk to when you are depressed is actually such a huge help to lessen the weight of it.*
7.Be friends with them. *To ensure they don't befall the same problem again.
8.Good job, You have helped a person in need. :)
I wrote this because it is such a huge problem in the society.
And it can affect the reader and the society in so many ways. one of these is it can lessen the percentage of suicide per year from depression, And people could go many ways if there was someone that would understand them. And help them through all their problems
This is very true and interesting at the same time